Firefighter Nostalgia
We invite you, the firefighters of today and firefighters of the past, to send us your nostalgic photos of anything related to the fire service here in Iowa.
We invite you, the firefighters of today and firefighters of the past, to send us your nostalgic photos of anything related to the fire service here in Iowa.
Pictured after the NSVFA annual conference banquet on Saturday evening, Oct.
A live mutual aid extrication training drill was held on Sept. 21 in Dwight Fire Rural Distrist 6.
Members of the Huron Fire Department participated in ARFF training. The training was done on Sept. 26-27 at the Huron Regional Airport by ARFF specialists.
Emergency personnel from seven volunteer fire departments developed and practiced their motor vehicle rescue skills during the “Extrication Extravaganza” event hosted by the Brookings Fire Departme
This will be two months in a row for me. Last month in my column I talked about the dues changes for 2015 and why the need.
By Dennis Gorton,
By Jim McGee
The busy season for the IFA board is almost upon us. There is a lot going on throughout the year but the most important period is when the legislature is in session.
Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548