Big thermometer swings
Here it is the middle of April and we are staying busy as usual. No big surprise to anyone in the public-safety spectrum. Believe it or not but the thermometer almost reached 90 degrees yesterday (April 11.) However, I’m willing to bet we are not finished with winter weather. I told my wife to keep “her” snow shover within easy reach and you should have seen the look she gave me! I can only assume that task is still up to me and will be for quite some time.
Locally, we are still dealing with the usual plethora of EMS-related calls. Only a couple of days ago, we headed to the eastern part of our mutual aid district to help three other departments regarding a mutual aid request and were happy to do so. Helping others and helping other departments is why we are here.
Also, springtime marks the start of our popular Jr. Fire Patrol program which dates back to the early 1940’s. We offer several (weekly) classes for area fifth graders which include fire prevention, home fire inspections as well as basic first aid and simple rescue techniques. Students enjoy the hands-on activities which include the operation of an extinguisher during a controlled fire situation.
The final two weeks are set aside for a written examination and graduation. Ceremonies include presentation of awards, certificates of attendance, refreshments, rides on the fire trucks and of course, refreshments. Parents, neighbors, grandparents and friends are invited. Engraved plaques go to the top point recipients based on attendance, completion of homework, and test results.
During the past couple of years, we tried something new by purchasing T shirts for all participants. It was different and I think we did the right thing as we are competing for participants with other activities and organizations such as softball, baseball, musical recitals and band concerts, church meetings, etc. You name it and our kids have a very busy schedule.
Regionally, we will be travelling to the Banner County Fire Department tomorrow night (April 13) for the quarterly meeting of the Scotts Bluff County Mutual Aid Association. Chief Tim Grubbs and his troops are always excellent hosts and we look forward to these meetings which not only provide an excellent opportunity to share information and training opportunities but an excellent chance to inter-mingle (whatever that means) and get to know each other on a personal level rather than at times of disaster or other emergencies.
State-wide. I continue to travel the state of Nebraska for the betterment of the NSVA and prepare for the annual Nebraska State Fire School. It sounds like a lot and it is but I wouldn’t want to have it any other way!
Darrell Vance,
NSVFA President