Just What Does the Firefighters Board Do?
As the saying goes, “spring has sprung.” As I write this month’s ramblings, the temperature outside is 60 degrees, blue skies, and no snow. Of course, that means little to no actual moisture. Like so much of the state we could use some good rain. I’m not much of a snow person, and the older I get the less I like snow. But we’ll take what we can get.
The first thing is that the Vice-presidents position is open. Ron Hines, the current Vice has let everyone know he does not intend to run for the position again. I want to thank Ron for his years of service to the Board and more importantly to all the firefighters of South Dakota. Ron has devoted many hours and years to improving the fire service for all of us. Thank you, Ron, thank you.
So that brings us to the second item. We need someone to run for Vice-president. Plain and simple. There is a committee appointed by President Kludt, that list is elsewhere in the paper with contact info. No need to repeat it here. If you have ever said to yourself, “I should do something to help all the firefighters.” Maybe you thought, “why in the world did they do that?” Or “I wouldn’t have done it at way.” This could be your chance.
So, have you ever wondered just exactly what does the South Dakota Firefighters Association, Inc. Board do? Let me see if I can help to answer that. First, the Board is responsible for coordinating and developing the annual State Fire School held in June each year and the fall conference. The Board members discuss classes, instructors, location, program, schedule, vendors, food, refreshments, registration, cost, motels, on/off site locations, monthly newspaper, fallen firefighters memorial service and a host of other things. The important thing is that the entire Board all pitch in and take various parts. The Board discusses various legislative issues that come up affecting South Dakota Firefighters. We now have responsibility for the two mobile live fire training trailers. That includes scheduling, maintenance, instructors, insurance, and other items. The Board makes sure that every member of the departments that are 100% Members have the AD&D and the A&H insurance coverage. This isn’t all, but just a quick snapshot of the responsibilities.
So, when do they do all the items I’ve listed? The Board meets at least four times each year. Generally, in January, mid-March, state fire school, early fall and during the fall conference. These are busy meetings with lots of business to be taken care of. However, you don’t have to cover the costs, the Association pays for motel, mileage and a small per day stipend. Your commitment is your time, energy, and willingness to help your fellow firefighters of the State. Step up and be the one who is willing to take on this task, be the leader you want to be.
With that, I’ll make a quick pitch for the State Fire School in June at Watertown. There will be lots of emails, Facebook posts, webpage information, and newspaper info so you should be able to know what is happening. If not, just reach out to any Board member and they will help.
With that, stay safe and think about fire school and the vice-president’s position.
Denny Gorton
SDFA Treasurer