Nebraska State Fire School

   At the time of writing this we are just getting ready to go and attend the 8th Annual Nebraska Fire Chiefs Leadership Symposium. I am looking forward to attending and learning some valuable information. Just as a reminder to all that this is open to all levels of firefighters. Every one that I have been able to attend has been excellent education that was led by some great presenters. 

   On the topic of education, Nebraska State Fire School is just about here again. Once again, this year there is an excellent array of topics that you can take. There is a class to fit every member of your department. Every department should have received your Fire School book and I hope you have had chance to register.

   By the time that you are reading this the Nebraska Legislature will nearly be done with this year’s session. This year is a short session for the Legislature. Every year it’s always interesting to follow along with what is going on in the session and watch the items that we have been working on with the NSVFA.

   Once again Nebraska has experienced some more major wildfires. The fires that happened a few weeks ago had response from departments across the state to assist. Thank you all of those departments who were able to go and provide assistance. I hope that we will have a good green up soon and some good spring time moisture come across the state. We continue to see these large fires and responses from across the state. It is great to see the departments come together to help each other out. 

   This year in the Legislature, there were a few bills that I believe are aimed to help with these responses.  One with getting someone to head up WIRAT and also some bills dealing with radios. In the future we will probably also have to look at what is needed for the Nebraska Type 3 team.

   I look forward to seeing everyone in about a month in Grand Island.

   Thanks, stay safe everyone.

Shad Bryner,

NSVFA President






Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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