Our Service is Always in Motion
The fire service gears of action are always in motion. Sometime the tires might be spinning, but they are still in motion.
2024 State Fire School was well attended this year with a slight increase over 2023.
With some many groups and individuals to thank, we want to be sure to spotlight the Watertown Fire Department members, Lake Area Technical College staff, Andy Wicks and the Performance Towing crew for all their time and work before, during, and after fire school.
Thank you to First Gentleman Bryon Noem and DPS Secretary Bob Perry for stopping out and touring the areas on Friday morning.
The Board has already started preparing for 2025 Fire School. After a few tweaks and adjustments from last year, we are looking forward to the finished construction project and utilizing the extra 18-19 rooms that will be available in the new facility addition.
Thank you to the SDFA Board and Auxiliary members and Fire Marshal personnel for your work in planning and running throughout the weekend.
And of course, to the instructors, vendors, and attendees. It wouldn’t be possible without you.
Congratulations to Don Ward on becoming SDFA Vice President. Don has served as VP before, knows the duties, and, even knowing the SDFA President he has to work with, he still decided to run, again.
And true appreciation to outgoing VP Ron Hines. He was the lead board member in dealing with the mobile burn trailers acquisition, as well as, several other association tasks and fire service events during his tenure. He said he is going camping and relaxing A LOT for the rest of the summer. Thank you, Ron.
If you have not completed your class evaluation that was emailed out to the email you were registered under, contact Rick George or Rick Gustad for a link to the evaluation.
Yes, we look at the evaluations and consider suggestions from attendees.
A major topic of fire service discussion across the country is the proposed OSHA Fire Brigade regulation changes that would directly encompass 22 NFPA standards into the entire fire service.
NFPA standards in themselves are not a regulation or law. However, if they become OSHA regulated, now they will become requirements and may be open to departmental, agency, and individual fines for failure to comply or follow the regulations.
If this goes through, it will have a direct effect on the volunteer fire service.
It is agreed that certain items may be good. The main point of concern is, if departments are unable to feasibly comply with current standards, will we be faced with enormous financial expense to achieve them, eliminating or changing services and tactics we currently provide, or continue functioning as we are knowing regulatory and punitive ramifications will happen when regulations go unmet.
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is working feverously and continuously on the getting up to date, pertinent information out to explain the standards being proposed and how to submit comments to the standards committee before July 22nd.
NVFC most current data is on this page: https://www.
The SDFA Fall Conference will be 27-29 September in Fort Pierre. Fellow firefighter from Kansas Ljay Geist will be bringing ideas and discussions from his “Tailboard Leadership” & “The Impact of One” sessions for volunteer departments.
We have been working on another entertaining speaker, but we had to wait until the NFL season schedule was released last month. No, it’s not Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. More to come!
Have and enjoyable rest of your summer. Be Safe,
Charlie Kludt,
SDFA President