On Jan. 29, the Rapid Valley Fire Department responded to a spreading commercial structure fire. The fire escalated to a three-alarm fire with firefighters responding from a three-county area facing darkness and lack of a suitable water supply. The fire was successfully contained with one firefighter receiving minor injuries. Photo courtesy of the Rapid Valley Volunteer Fire Department.

Rapid Valley Commercial Structure Fire Escalates to Three Alarms

   The Rapid Valley Volunteer Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire in the 5400 block of Old Folsom Rd., Rapid Valley, unincorporated, Pennington County, SD on Jan. 29, 2024 at 1:36 a.m.

   First arriving firefighters found a free burning fire, with heavy fire and smoke conditions coming from a commercial structure with fire spreading to adjacent structures an infrastructure.

   The fire eventually escalated to three alarms with firefighters responding from a three-county area, facing darkness, and lacking a suitable water supply.

   Firefighters, given the above-mentioned conditions, successfully contained the fire with one firefighter receiving minor injuries.

   No injuries to civilians or domestic animals were reported.

   Agencies responding included Pennington County 911, Rapid Valley Volunteer Fire Department, Box Elder Volunteer Fire Department, North Haines Volunteer Fire Department, Black Hawk Volunteer Fire Department, Rapid City Fire Department & Ambulance Service, Battle Creek Fire  Department, Rockerville Volunteer Fire Department, Johnson Siding Volunteer Fire Department, Hill City Volunteer Fire Department, Whispering Pines Volunteer Fire Department, Fairburn Volunteer Fire Department, Ellsworth Airforce Base Fire Department, Pennington County Sheriff’s Office, Pennington County Emergency Management, Pennington County Highway Department, Black Hills Energy, Montana Dakota Utilities, the South Dakota Fire Marshal’s Office and the Red Cross serving Central and Western South Dakota.





Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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