States Networking meeting

   The annual States Networking meeting was held in Des Moines on Nov. 8-9. Pictured in front from left to right are: Don Ward, South Dakota; Terry Ford, Illinois; Kait Meeker, Illinois; Ed Allsman, Illinois; John Swan, Illinois: Adam Kutz, Iowa; Mike Kime, Iowa; Aaron Clemons, Iowa; Keith Smith, Missouri; Chad Mayberry, Kansas; and Shane Pearson, Kansas. Second row: Ron Hampton, Wisconsin; Ed Hoffmann, Minnesota; Zach Lundberg, Minnesota; John Bomar, Nebraska; Brenda Jenny, Nebraska; Lonnie Newhall, Iowa; Roger Carr, Iowa; Kent Brix, Iowa; Barry Kuenkel, Wisconsin; Laramie McPherson, Kansas; Justin Couse, Kansas; Ron Ewing, Kansas; and Jimmy Hubbard, Kansas.

Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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