States share ideas
Greetings, As I write this, we are preparing to attend the States meeting in Johnston. This meeting is between the Fire Service Associations of the five states surrounding Iowa. At this meeting we compare what is working and not working in our respective organizations. This, I have found is very beneficial in the operation of the IFA. In the last five years of attending, I have always felt that it was one meeting I am glad to have, and have utilized many of the ideas presented.
Sadly, I have been to several funerals since my last article. One of them was a Line of Duty Death. As we mourn all of the deaths of our Brothers and Sisters a LODD hits us to our core. It is something none of us ever want to face, the fact is we all could. If your department has a loss of a member there are people that can help you with the process. Contact a Board member and we will offer advice and guidance, this could be as simple as providing Memorial Bunting for your truck and station to helping with the funeral planning. Contact your local Honor Guard and they will provide their service if the family wishes. The main thing to remember is you are not in this alone as even if I don’t personally know them, they are my family too!
I will end this article with my normal rant. Look out for each other, pay attention to each other, stay strong for each other, stay safe and return home from your calls unaltered.
Respectfully yours,
Roger Carr,
IFA President