Thoughts for the New Year
Well, here it is. Remember when we thought that 2024 would never get over. Now it is, and we wonder, “where did it go so fast.” Those so-called experts say that as we get older time does seem to speed up. I have no proof of that, but it does seem just days ago that 2024 came in.
So, what is in store for you this year? Vacations, more fun time, new boat, new house, more family time? We make resolutions to do stuff. I’m making a resolution to read a book by Bobby Halton, “Editon’s Opinion.” It is “column’s that Bobby wrote for Fire Engineering magazine for the past 18 years” Many of you have read Bobby’s opinion throughout the years. I got the book a year ago with all the great intentions to read one of his editorials a day. I fell off the wagon. Yep, I had too many excuses for not reading one. Too busy, have to mow the yard, need to get this month’s article written, the list goes on. So, I am pledging to follow through this year, starting on Jan. 1, 2025.
This January edition is the first of a new era. For the first time in well over 20 years the SD Firefighters newspaper will be only delivered electronically. We’re asking for two small favors from you. The first one is if a fellow firefighter says they didn’t receive their copy of the paper, ask them if they have provided a VALID email address to us. The second favor is if a fellow firefighter says they didn’t receive their copy ask them to check their spam or junk folder. You just never know, and the email may say the name of Samara Erickson. That’s easy and will help us a bunch.
Ok, here’s the pitch for your departments 2025 Membership dues. Many departments received an electronic dues invoice, and the rest should have received their dues notice via the US Postal Service. So, ask if your department has paid their dues for this year. The benefits you receive are darn good and the cost is darn small. The AD&D and the A&H insurance should be reason enough. However, even bigger is simply supporting the South Dakota Firefighters Association, Inc. We are your voice when it comes to legislation, statewide training utilization of the Mobile Live Fire Training Trailers, and so much more. Ask your treasurer if he or she has paid your department’s due yet.
I am not going to bore you with anymore, this month. However, remember to make a resolution to become the most active firefighter in your department, to pitch ideas for training, and most importantly to be a mentor to a new firefighter and be safe.
Dennis Gorton,
SDFA Treasurer