Preparations are well underway for the 2025 Nebraska Fire School in Grand Island, which will be held May 16-18. This photo was taken at training at the 2024 Fire School by Taylor Anderson.

   Jan. 5, 2025: Iowa Firefighters Board meeting, Eldora Fire Station, 9 a.m.

   Jan. 8, 2025: Washington’s Annual  Pancake Day, Washington, serving 11-1 and 5-7 p.m.

   Last month, we explored the concept of reading smoke and focused on one critical attribute: velocity. This month, we study the other three attributes—volume, density, and color—to help you sharpen your situational awareness and decision-making on the fireground.


   On Dec. 2, at approximately 8:20 p.m. the Red Oak Fire Department, Stanton Fire Department and Elliott Fire Department were dispatched to 108 A Street on a report of a fully engulfed garage fire. Upon arrival, fire crews had a fully engulfed garage with extension beginning to the occupied house.

   By the time you read this, I will have done one of the hardest things a person, let alone a Fire Chief, has done: I delivered a eulogy for a hard-charging young woman named Mia Shea Reynolds. Shortly after I was appointed as the Fire Chief for my hometown of Alliance, I was introduced to Mia and her family.

   A little more than 80 firefighters from three states spent a weekend with two fire service legends on November 16 and 17. Chief Rick Lasky and Chief John Salka brought their 5 Alarm Leadership program to Vermillion and spent the two days talking tactics and leadership while sharing stories about their experiences.

	On October 26, the Belle Fourche Volunteer Fire Department hosted a Senior Level MLFTU training session. A total of 17 certified instructors participated in the training, 15 of those from west river so that our cache of Senior Lever instructors now statewide. Submitted by Don Ward, VP SDFA.

   Dec. 5, 2024: 6 p.m. Arrowhead region meeting, location not listed.

   Dec. 6-8, 2024: South Dakota Fire Chiefs Annual Leadership Conference, Deadwood.

Dec. 7-8, 2024: Ness City Fire School.

	Preparations are well underway for the 2025 Nebraska Fire School in Grand Island, which will be held May 16-18. This photo was taken at training at the 2024 Fire School by Taylor Anderson.
	On October 26, the Belle Fourche Volunteer Fire Department hosted a Senior Level MLFTU training session. A total of 17 certified instructors participated in the training, 15 of those from west river so that our cache of Senior Lever instructors now statewide. Submitted by Don Ward, VP SDFA.

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Dive training

Last month the Pierre Dive Squad trained on retrievals in underwater structure with their masks “blacked out” to simulate zero visibility.


Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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